Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Roof, part 2

The roofer returned to check out the leak. He didn't even go in the attic. He looked around on top and said the water had come in from the chimney and he tarred it. Well, it was uphill from the leak the electrician found.
During the night there was a heavy rain. This morning I figured I'd better go take a look to see if there was any evidence of wetness. It wasn't easy to climb up into and around the attic space but it had to be done, right? I was thinking it wasn't fun but a good thing I looked since I found no water, when I heard the pitter-patter of tiny feet. I'd only examined a portion of the roof, where the leak had been reported, but I'd seen enough. Fast as I could I was out of there. After throwing my clothes in the wash, insulation is so itchy, and washing my hands it dawned on me that 'them that had worked in my attic' had all reported no sign of rodents. On the other hand I had seen many a squirrel on the roof and in the trees close by. Go back up and check the rest? I don't think so.
But then the air conditioning guys showed up anyway.


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