Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mowing the lawn

I mowed the lawn for the first time. Amazing what a difference a trim can make. It wasn't that long really but it sure looks nicer now.

Central Air

The house had a large broken window air unit in the front room and a small one in the kitchen window when I got it. Aside from being ugly, they also blocked a lot of light from the room. I had central air installed. Another "2 days" estimate. It only took 4 so it wasn't too bad and these guys cleaned up after themselves.
They also offered to come back after their next j0b, already lined up, was done and if the job left unfinished by someone else (some sheetrocking) hadn't been completed they said they could and would do it. Isn't that nice! Well, whoever does it I plan to watch and learn. Maybe I'll just do the rest of the rooms myself...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Patio doors

I was looking at replacements for the sliding patio doors on the east side of the house. They were a bit sticky. When the fellow fixed the floor he found there had been some settling and compensated. Now my doors slide just fine, thank you.

Blinds again

Well, I have learned, two 46" blinds fill a 91" window. Try getting two standard blind sizes to come up to 91! And when I did, they were an inch short. Now for the last two 91" windows.

Flooring and Termite Damage

I knew there was termite damage on the east side of the house but couldn't get to it till the previous owners got their stuff out. That's another story. Now that the room was emptied recently I got someone in to tear up the floor and replace the structural damage with treated lumber and I just had them just replace the damaged flooring that had been under the carpet with plywood. I'll put a floating laminate in that room. Too much damage to the original floor I to make it worth the trouble trying to patch.
The damage was pretty much to the extent the exterminator had said and it's been enough time, he used a slow release product, that all the little critters were gone. A little more work will have to be done in the next room but it shouldn't be much.

The wood floor under the carpet is in really pretty good shape, except for the half eaten stuff of course. I've been hesitant to rip up and find out what was under the orange and gold sculptured stuff that covers all but the bathroom, till I was ready to do the drastic things that might be needed. The fellow cut the carpet into manageable pieces as he tore it out of the east room. I hadn't thought of that. Once he was finished (and it took part of one day, he said might be three, finally, something else done fast) I went to work and started cutting pieces of carpet out of the main room. Just a bit at a time and it looks great. I'm taking off the tack strips and staples from the padding and cleaning as I go. I'm liking what I find and the whole place doesn't need to be turned upside down all at once to do it. So, I'll be working on that, a manageable bit at a time.

Bathroom Tile

Seems someone doesn't understand why I'd have a problem with my only tub being tied up for almost 3 weeks. It looks nice, finish work still needs to be done. I have learned.